
Love Songs | Suffering Songs | Life Songs

…is the refrain of an old Burgenland-Croatian folk song. The narrator has nothing to lose. The war has taken everything from him. The powerful shoot, the powerless bleed to death. Then, as now. The only thing left for him is to flee. 

But like a pannonian relative of dear Augustin, he still calls out “tiramtiro!” again and again. It goes on. He goes on. “tiramtiro!” is a macabre caricature of pain, a counterpoint to fear, the answer to a dreary life. 

CD Cover
New album


Price: 15€
Published: 2022


coming 2024...

In 2024 you can also hear Max Prenner with his new program umarmt. Beyond the klezmer cliché, in umarmt Prenner lets children, scholars, lovers, the murdered and the nameless sing and dance: as befits Max Prenner, from groovy, jazzy chansons to songs reminiscent of folk songs; melancholy and thoughtful to exuberantly cheerful.

“I tell songs sung to me by gravestones in Jewish cemeteries, the last witnesses to Jewish life in Pannonia. And it’s not just about the murder and the Shoa. Jewish hearts burned for love, laughter, anger, play and life, just like all Pannonian hearts. So every Pannonian can sing them.”


Max Prenner’s songs are inspired by folk songs and bring old songs into today. Some songs cry and lament from the first to the last note, but some come across as light and carefree. Only on closer listening, however, do they make you feel the wounds and despair. In this spirit Prenner also lets the songs cry, groove, swing, languish and smile. Love songs – suffering songs: life songs, that is.

Die Band

Lisa Prandstätter

Vocals, Saxophon, Flöte

Ralf Thenner

Kontrabass, E-Bass

Harald Fink

Akkordeon, Keyboards, Vocal

Rainer Gartner

Drums, Percussion

folk songs do not moralize are not puffery hit in their simplicity with full force deep into the heart and in the pit of the stomach the powerlessness of the lower offers resistance against the dreary reality against the arrogance of the upper classes more topical than ever.

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